The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Monday, September 14, 2009

Accelerator weapons - rifles and sidearms

Accelerator weapons use magnetic acceleration instead of a chemical reaction (gunpowder) to propel a projectile. They fire smaller projectiles at much higher velocities. This means a smaller bullet moving faster can do more damage than a larger one moving slower. This is proven in the formula for Newton's second law, F=ma (Force=mass * acceleration).
Accelerator weapons have a higher ammo capacity, but require a battery to power the processors and magnets that fire the projectile. The projectile does not contact the barrel of the weapon as it passes through the series of ring shaped magnets. This allows the projectiles to be made of any heavy metal, capable of magnetic attraction, providing armor piercing qualities without the problems of excessive barrel wear that traditional firearms would suffer.
The velocity at which the weapons projectile is fired can be adjusted by the user. During battles aboard space faring ships, soldiers turn down the velocity of their weapons so they lessen the chances of penetrating the hull of their ship.

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