The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Journey to Jupiter

I know I've talked about the science before on this blog and I fully intend on beating this horse until we get more information back from NASA's probe, in about 15 years or so.  That being said, I think it's highly important to understand not only the science behind how we're sending a probe, but also why we're sending a probe and what we expect to find "out there."

Exclusive of the need of space exploration for additional human habitats, I think continued debate over exploring the "final frontier" is vital to improve our intellect.  I also think its necessary to have the conversations about space so as to keep the issue alive.  Based on what little NASA has done in the last 25+ years for manned space exploration, if we do not keep the discussion alive the possibilities of future exploration will die as well.  When so much is dependent on dollars and media attention, if the wheel doesn't squeak no one will see a use for it being there at all. Keep squeaking everyone and we'll get to Mars and beyond.

For your reading pleasure:

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