The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New pics of Saturn

     I know I constantly post pics of Europa (for obvious reasons) and Jupiter but I just couldn't pass up the beautiful colors of Saturn this time around.  The colors represent different wavelengths (auroras) that are in and around Saturn that we would otherwise be unable to see.  Regardless of the "reality" of the colors, the photos (which are over 3 years old actually) are very interesting.  Saturn aurora'
     While we're on the subject of Saturn I thought I would also post an article I ran across on NASA's JPL website this summer. I found it while researching new locations for Black Chronicles: Book Two after I decided to abandon Neptune as the story's main location. I was very close to using Saturn's Titan and the new 'propeller moons' in the rings as my setting. I still love the potential of both locations, but I opted for something more is the link to the article: Saturn's Propeller Moons

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