The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just missed it ...

As many of you know, I wrote a book called "Europa" and the story is based entirely on Jupiter's moon Europa.  NASA is sending a probe next year that should reach Jupiter/Europa roughly 10 years after that.

But believe it or not, other people, besides those at NASA, keep up with the goings-on in outer-space and actually keep tabs on Europa (the moon, not my book).  Apparently, on December 3rd and with a small telescope, we could have seen Europa (the moon, not my book) round the east corner of the planet Jupiter.  I missed it.  There's not much I could have done about it anyway since, and this might surprise you, I don't have a telescope.  It would have been nice if I could honestly tell you that it would have looked like this:

But most likely it was a slight shadow or blur just on the east horizon.  Someday we'll get pictures which are closer ... and dare I say more accurate? 

If you want more information about this story (and the whole timeline) visit this website.

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