Yesterday I finished my second draft/second edit of The Black Chronicles: Book Two. I am giving the manuscript to my sister for a continuity critique and then it will come back to my wife for a technical/creative check. I will begin looking for a publisher shortly. I will release the title name of Book Two when I have settled on one of the two titles I have in mind. I have already started Book Three and am continually writing notes for Four and Five. All that to say I have no intention of giving up on this whole writing endeavor anytime in the near or distant future.
I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read Europa for giving me, a new author, a chance. I appreciate your patience while waiting for the second book. The feedback I get from everyone has been very encouraging and I would like to request all who have enjoyed reading Europa to write a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc.(reviews help a lot!).
Ok well hurry it up already!! Need something good to read!!
I can say only that I was hooked the minute I read Europa, can't wait to read the next one! Hope to see you at the next Dallas area con with your new book!
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