The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NOLA ComiCon Recap

I really had so much fun at this Wizard World ComiCon.  I didn't have high expectations because this is the first year that Wizard World held a con there.  The traffic was good and I enjoyed meeting a lot of people.  My next door neighbor at the con, John Holland, did a review on his blog too, so check it out if you get the chance.  Also, I really enjoyed meeting Stefanie and Corey (just to name a few).  I didn't get any pictures but Keisha Tillis was nice enough to stop by (she's in a show called "The Walking Dead"on AMC).  And now for the good stuff ... the pictures!

Final Fantasy anyone?

This Navi girl's paint job was authentic.  Must have taken HOURS.

Definitely my favorite costume (from Mass Effect).  This costume was authentic and the guy could move easily in it.  I hope he won a prize because it was AWESOME.

Thanks to everyone who bought books and asked questions.  Please shoot me an email anytime if you have any questions.  In the meantime, just visit this blog for frequent-ish updates.

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