The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dallas SciFi Expo Recap

It was a slow start to the day ... and the whole day was pretty slow too.  But we had fun, met some pretty cool people and sold a few books.  I'm going to share some of the pictures that my wife took below so that you can partake in all the fun.

Maybe my favorite costume of the day.  This couple went so far as to make "Buy More" name tags.
For those of you who don't know, they are dressing like the characters from the t.v. series "Chuck" (still don't know?  check out the website:

This is Adam Baldwin (from "Chuck").  Didn't get to see him up close because his autograph line was sooooo long all day.  He seemed to be gracious with the people getting his autograph.  Check out the website for much better pictures.

Also, he is NOT a Baldwin brother but I'm sure he's gotten that association thousands of times.

Daniel Logan .... and lots and lots of personality.  For those of you who do not recognize this guy, he was the kid who played Boba Fett in Star Wars Episode One.  He's voicing a character in the animated series, Star Wars Clone Wars.  For more information on him: 

Deep Roy!  He was very gracious to my wife by letting her re-take a picture of him.  Seems to be a real classy actor.  Couldn't find an official fan website but check this one out for more information:

Thanks for coming out and visiting me!  I look forward to the next convention in June in Houston ...    

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