The Moon, Europa

The Moon, Europa

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas

First of all, let me say a big "THANK YOU!!" to all the folks who stopped by and also those who bought a book.  I really, really appreciate your support.  For those who bought, or will buy later on Kindle or Nook, please let me know what you think!

Second, the review and the photos (what you've all been waiting for, really):

I really enjoyed the con.  I wasn't crazy about the layout; there were a lot of zigs and zags which "forced" people to create their own shortcuts.  Don't get me wrong, I like that people were paraded by me.  But the layout was confusing and I can imagine that it was frustrating for con-goers.  Other than that, the traffic was amazing.  H-town brings it when it comes to cons so if I have anything to do with it, and sometimes I do, I will be back again.

Here are a few of my favorite costumes and exhibits:

Also, can anyone tell me why the Ghostbuster genre is still popular?  I loved the movies ... and I know there were comic books and a cartoon series but some of these folks weren't alive when the movies came out so ... I'm just wondering.

Thanks for stopping by! 

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